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Automated Photography

An increasing number of images are produced autonomously by machines for machines with a gradual exclusion of any human intervention. Automated Photography is a research project developed by the Master Photography at ECAL/University of Art and Design Lausanne that addresses this situation by examining image production and distribution technologies, such as machine learning, CGI and photogrammetry. On the occasion of Paris Photo, an immersive audiovisual exhibition, a symposium and a book present critical views and a selection of projects that explore the aesthetic and conceptual potential of automated photography.

Publication year: 2021
Published by: ECAL/Ecole cantonale d’art de Lausanne, Mörel Books
Edited by: Milo Keller, Claus Gunti, Florian Amoser
Texts: Various
Language: English
Graphic design: Thomas Le Provost
Pages: 343
Photographies: Various
Images: 50
Dimensions: 24.8 × 20 × 3 cm
Weight: 960 g
ISBN: 978-2-9701451-0-3


8 in stock

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