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Early Video Art and Experimental Films Networks

This book traces the diffuse international networks through which video art and experimental films circulated during the late sixties and early seventies. This volume is divided into two parts: the first part, which is longer and more extensively documented, explores the emergence and consolidation of video art networks at international level; the second focuses more specifically on two exhibitions of artists’ films (New Forms in Film and Une histoire du cinéma) and one of the main instances of the museification of experimental cinema, Anthology Film Archives by Jonas Meekas.

Publication year: 2017
Published by: ECAL
Edited by: ECAL/François Bovier
Texts: Kristen Alfaro, François Bovier, Enrico Camporesi, Katarzyna Cytlak, Larisa Dryansky, Tristan Lavoyer, Adeena Mey, Kris Paulsen, Cosetta G. Saba, Andrew V. Uroskie
Language: English
Graphic design: EUROSTANDARD (Pierrick Brégeon & Clément Rouzaud)
Pages: 268, softcover
Photographies: Various photographers
Images: 180 (b/w)
Dimensions: 1 × 23.1 × 30.8 cm
Weight: 940 g
ISBN: 978-2-9701157-0-0


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