This Type Bulletin was designed by Nicolas Bernklau and Raphaela Haefliger, and meticulously printed at ECAL by Benjamin Plantier.
All the typefaces used in this publication were designed by students, including the font used for information text, Modern Gothic, a diploma project by Malte Bentzen, released by AllCaps Type.
These are just some highlights from a more extensive body of work. All the typefaces used in this publication have been designed by students graduating from the 2023 Master Type Design program.
The lettering used on the cover is an extension of weights from Amateur, by Minjong Kim. The sample text is taken from the Thesis of Niklas Herrmann, “Between Emotions and Imperfections:On Human Values in Type Design”. It has been translated with the help of André Teixeira (Portuguese), János Hunor Vári (Hungarian), Nicolas Bernklau and Raphaela Haefliger (German). Matthieu Cortat (French), NoamBenatar (Hebrew and Yiddish), Hólmfriòur Benediksdóttir and Porgeir Blöndal (Icelandic), Stephanie Wilson (Dutch). Jonathan Bruun (Danish), Gabriela Jaime (Spanish), Giulia Zanzarella (Italian). Texts in Japanese checked by Jamie Michiki, texts in Arabic by Lana Soufeh, texts in Chinese by Juan Jun Feng, texts in Korean by Minjong Kim.