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Young Creatives

Anoush Abrar, Photography professor and graduate from ECAL: “This project is an intimate, personal experience. Through these portraits of students, I speak a little about myself, and my experiences… And then, one day, it came to me. They were there, at ECAL, the School of Art in Lausanne, and I wanted to sublimate them.The series of young creatives contains a hundred portraits of up and coming artists. I wanted to immortalize this fragment of existence, to stop time. For some, these school years will be just a rite of passage, and for others, it marks a detour, or even a turning point.

Publication year: 2017
Published by: ECAL
Edited by: Anoush Abrar
Texts: Anoush Abrar, Tatyana Franck, Pascal Beausse
Language: French, English
Graphic design: Alice Franchetti
Pages: 126, softcover
Photographies: Anoush Abrar
Images: 100 (b/w)
Dimensions: 1 × 23 × 33 cm
Weight: 685 g
ISBN: 978-2-9701157-3-1


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